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Explain the importance of moisture-proof pcb circuit board

When the PCB board is not vacuum-packed, it is easy to get wet, and when the PCB board is wet, the following problems may be caused.

Problems caused by wet PCB board

1. Damaged electrical performance: Wet environment will lead to reduced electrical performance, such as resistance changes, current leakage, etc.

2. Lead to short circuit: water entering the circuit board may lead to short circuit between the wires, so that the circuit can not work properly.

3. Corroded components: In a high humidity environment, the metal components on the circuit board are susceptible to corrosion, such as oxidation of contact terminals.

4. Cause mold and bacteria growth: The humid environment provides the conditions for mold and bacteria to grow, which may form a film on the circuit board and affect the normal operation of the circuit.

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In order to prevent circuit damage caused by moisture on the PCB board, the following measures can be taken for moisture-proof treatment.

Four ways to deal with moisture

1. Packaging and sealing: The PCB board is packaged and packaged with sealing materials to block the intrusion of moisture. The common method is to put the PCB board into a sealed bag or sealed box, and ensure that the seal is good.

2. Use moisture-proof agents: Add appropriate moisture-proof agents, such as desiccant or humidity absorbent, into the packaging box or sealed bag to absorb moisture, keep the environment relatively dry, and reduce the impact of moisture.

3. Control the storage environment: Keep the storage environment of the PCB board relatively dry to avoid high humidity or humid conditions. You can use dehumidifiers, constant temperature and humidity equipment to control the ambient humidity.

4. Protective coating: A special moisture-proof coating is coated on the surface of the PCB board to form a protective layer and isolate the intrusion of moisture. This coating usually has properties such as moisture resistance, corrosion resistance and insulation.

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These measures help protect the PCB board from moisture and improve the reliability and stability of the circuit.

Post time: Nov-06-2023